Look Younger with Short Hair (3)
Previous pageMorena Baccarin

Boyish, fresh, and sexy, but with a precious shine and classy styling, this haircut just fits and requires hardly any work to maintain.

Here are a few tips from women who have gone from long to short hair and experienced the magic themselves:
1. Before you go, don't tell anyone about your plans to cut your hair short, except very close loved ones like your boyfriend or husband. Your friends might want to talk you out of it. But it is your head and your hair! The surprise for them will be even more fun this way.
2. Prepare the man in your life for your new look. You might encounter resistance, so be gentle and convince him gradually and with tact. Chances are though that you may be surprised by his reaction since many men actually love short hair and you can help the other part of their brain to get unstuck from all that tradition.
3. Always have a good consultation with your hairdresser.
4. Since you are going under the scissors now, show courage and take off a bit more than you initially wanted. It'll be more fun this way!
See also:
The latest short hairstyles for women
Reasons to cut your hair short
Hairstyles for older women
How to choose the right short pixie haircut for yourself