Quick Fixes for Common Hair Problems (2)

Odors - Smelly Hair:
Sometimes our work or social environment exposes our hair to lingering scents that can be unpleasant. This can also be a problem for people who cannot shampoo their hair every day but are exposed to odorous environments. Fortunately, there are a number of new products on the market for deodorizing hair.
But if you are allergic to fragrances or prefer a natural alternative, try baking soda. Mix one teaspoon of baking soda and one cup of distilled water in a spray bottle and shake well. Use this to lightly mist the hair at the scalp area and allow it to dry, or blow-dry the hair using a diffuser and a cool setting.
Falling Styles:
Many women complain that they would love to wear their hair up in a simple twist or bun, but find that their hair is too heavy and falls down halfway through the day. However, there are a couple of simple tricks for adding stability to a simple up-style.
The first trick is to start with a ponytail. For a bun, you can simply wind the loose hair below the gathered ponytail around the base and secure it with pins. Be sure to cross the pins through the ponytail holder so that all the tools rely on each other for strength and stability.
For a twist, simply pull the ponytail elastic out from the scalp along the length of the hair to about one-third of the way from the scalp. Then, take the ponytail just above the elastic band and wrap it inward to create the twist. Secure the twist by using bobby pins criss-crossed over one another to form a series of "X" shapes. Be sure to include the ponytail elastic in the pins as you anchor the hair.
See also:
Quick fixes for long hair
Pulled back temples hairdo to keep long hair back and out of the face
Household remedies for beauty and hair care