Haircolor Application Demonstration (2)

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Next, we applied color to the brunette manikin, but instead of doing all-over color, we wanted to use the Sunberry as a highlight color. We mixed our haircolor with 30-volume peroxide for extra lift. Using a freehand technique called balayage, we brushed swaths of color in various areas of the hair (as shown in the photos) and allowed them to process. The idea was that the highlights would show up better against the starting brunette color.
Step Three:
After allowing the haircolor to completely process, we rinsed the haircolor from the hair by first rewetting the manikins' hair and massaging it to a lather, then rinsing the color and following up with a good conditioning shampoo. Both manikins were then blown dry and styled as shown.
As you can see, our blonde manikin's color turned out perfectly. We took her from a level 8 with a pale honey color, to the level 9 strawberry blonde without damaging the hair. The color is rich and even, with natural highlights and lowlights giving the overall effect depth.
Our brunette manikin, however, shows no change from the original color except for a little more red in the tone. This was expected. As we stated at the beginning, our brunette manikin was a level 3, and we used a 30-volume developer, which only offers a maximum lift of around three shades. Basically, we added as much color to the hair as we would have dispersed with our peroxide, and the result is hair that shows no noticeable difference in color.

We did this on purpose to show you that haircolor is often difficult to work with unless you pay close attention to the levels of color you start with and add to the hair. If our intention had been to give our brunette manikin the strawberry blonde highlights, we would have needed to use a bleaching agent first, in order to lighten the highlights to a level around 8 or 9. Then we could have used our Sunberry color to get the effect we were telling you to expect.
So, now you can see both the results of a good color selection and what can happen when you do not pay attention to the hair color level. Training and experience allow your stylist to know what will work best for you, but knowing what to expect will help you communicate better with your stylist to get the results you desire.