How To Boost Salon Revenue (2)

Hair stylist giving hair product advice
Photo: Depositphotos
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Create an annual package (make sure to advertise the savings) that includes haircuts every six weeks, a birthday blowout, bi-weekly intensive conditioning treatments, and updos for anniversaries and holidays. This will not only improve the condition of clients' hair but also ensure future business.
Companies offer bundles for maintenance services because people need them, but they're human and sometimes forget to schedule them when the time comes.
Sell products without being pushy:
The best way to avoid being an annoying salesperson is to be genuine. You should already be showing clients how to style their hair and explaining that you don't want to compromise the integrity of their hair. It should be an educational process for them.
Once clients trust you enough to purchase products, they are twice as likely to remain loyal for many more years. Let them smell the product and use descriptive words (like texture, glaze, and so on) when explaining and demonstrating how to use it in their hair. Make it clear that achieving the desired style at home is possible with the help of the product.
Just as the stylist can't create a masterpiece without product, clients also need it. Take an extra five to ten minutes during the styling process to guide clients through styling their hair. This builds trust by showing that you care about their hair even outside of the salon (because you genuinely do!). As a bonus, they will walk around with fabulous hair, becoming a walking, talking billboard for your salon.
Hair salon receptionist selling a hair product
Photo: Simplefoto/Canva
Increase monthly income as an owner, without working extra hours:
There's an old saying that there is no such thing as the "Golden Salon," only "Golden Employees." If you set your employees up for success, you will also achieve success! Investing in your employees aligns with our focus on prioritizing loyal clients.
The best way to elevate your salon is by providing your stylists with the knowledge and tools they need to succeed. This demonstrates that you function as a team and care about their prosperity. It's about fostering camaraderie among the team. Replace the terms "employee" and "co-worker" with "team member" and "teammates."
Recognize that regardless of how stylists are compensated (such as booth rental), they are essentially running their own small business within your salon. If they have the expertise to build their clientele (assuming their work is excellent), they will generate enough revenue to help you live the life you envisioned when you opened your hair salon.
We're not just referring to ongoing salon education (although that is important). It extends beyond having skilled stylists working for you. Owners must mentor and groom their stylists to become professionals. Replace words like "puck" with "tweeze" and discard "dye" in favor of "color." Most importantly, use "client" instead of "customer."
By helping stylists develop a routine to ensure smooth operations and improve client-stylist communication, you can assist them in attaining a higher level of professionalism. This, in turn, will help them earn the trust of their clients and establish a strong rapport that fosters loyalty.
Here's an example routine: The night before, look for additional service opportunities in client profiles. Greet clients warmly at the reception desk and offer them coffee, wine, or juice. Provide a comprehensive consultation, perform the requested services, and demonstrate how to style their hair.
Offer styling tips and explain the importance of using products. Don't forget to accompany clients to the reception area and effortlessly place the recommended products in their hands or on the checkout counter. Ensure the receptionist pre-books their next appointment.
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