Hairstyle Lengths

We hairdressers are always asked about appropriate hairstyles for different face shapes and such, but let’s take a look at the subject from a different perspective. I want to explore different hair lengths and discuss the considerations people need to keep in mind regarding these specific lengths.
To categorize hair length, let's look at five common categories: gamine (boyishly short), ear-length (above and over the ears), chin-length, shoulder-length, and very long (below the shoulder). We will discuss the pros and cons of each length as they relate to individuals and the specific concerns individuals should consider when choosing these lengths.
The term "gamine" literally means "boyish" and is used to describe extremely short-cropped hairstyles. Some notable gamine hairstyles are those of Halle Berry and Morena Baccarin, who both exude femininity despite their super-short haircuts.

It also typically draws a great deal of attention to the face – particularly the upper half of the face. Very short haircuts are ideal for drawing attention to the eyes since the hair being restricted to the upper portion of the skull creates visual focus in that area. Depending on features like longer bangs and texturing, you can easily balance prominent foreheads and create either symmetry or asymmetry as desired.
Such short hairstyles are often popular among women who have a lot of wave or curl to their hair, since having the super short lengths can help to create a flattering style that doesn’t run the risk of being overly voluminous.
Such hair types also can help to make the styling easier as the volume can be used to create angles and planes that are otherwise difficult to achieve with straighter and limper hair types.
However, it should be noted that persons of larger stature and those who have heavier features may want to avoid the gamine lengths since it can result in a lack of proportional balance and can make one appear heavier as a result of the loss of balance in the overall silhouette. Gamine haircuts are perfect for those with delicate angular features or who might otherwise be described as "waifish" and "impish".
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