Haircutting Templates: A User's Guide

The haircutting templates you see here are great for enabling you to plan out your haircut ideas before you put scissors to actual hair. They are also ideal for use with individual clients to make notes and illustrations on techniques used to cut the client's hair in particularly favored styles.
The templates show the head from a variety of angles and will allow you to plot the needed elevation and cutting angles to create the looks you desire. You can use a ruler and a pencil to draw in the sections of the hair and how they should be positioned for cutting properly.

Haircutting Template - Front. Print PDF

Haircutting Template - Profile. Print PDF

Haircutting Template - Top & Back. Print PDF
The pages also provide space to make notes on cutting the hair. In these places, you should note specific techniques used, and a description of the haircut in general. Be as detailed as possible and provide as much information as will enable you to remember how to recreate the look every time.
You should note anatomical markers, such as "cut the bangs to eyebrow level" or "cut the perimeter guide to one inch below the earlobe" and make note of the cutting angles and elevations used for each section.
Print out the front, profile and top/back pages for each haircut you are planning to plot. Between the three pages it should provide you with ample room to document the haircuts you want to create or diagram.
See also:
More about cutting hair
Hair and cosmetology schools
Haircutting manikins or training heads