Electrolysis Hair Removal

Electrolysis hair removal
Photo: Svetlana Cherruty/Getty Images via Canva
Many factors can influence the growth of hair on the body. Hormones, heredity, and sometimes even illness can lead to dark, coarse, and excessive hair intrusively covering the skin, leaving an individual desperately trying to find a way to remove the hair effectively, efficiently, and painlessly.
For more than 135 years, electrolysis has been used as an effective and permanent method of hair removal. Unlike other “permanent” hair removal techniques, it can be used on all hair colors and skin types, making electrolysis an effective and indiscriminate hair removal tool.
Because electrolysis yields successful results on all hair, regardless of color and density, it is the only method of hair removal that has been officially labeled as a "permanent" hair removal technique by the American Medical Association.
The History of Electrolysis
Unlike other forms of hair removal, which have only been around in the last couple of decades, electrolysis has a long and dynamic history, dating back to the 19th century. It was first used by Dr. Charles E. Michel in 1875 on an ingrown eyelash. It became well-known toward the end of the 1800s, and during this time, the first electrolysis practice was established.
Throughout the 20th century, electrolysis continued to be developed and improved, and it slowly became more and more accessible and popular to people around the world. Today electrolysis is considered an extremely effectual method of achieving smooth, hairless skin, forever.
How Electrolysis Hair Removal Works
Electrolysis is a form of electrical epilation, which destroys the hair follicles. A needle is inserted into the follicle just beneath the skin and applies an electrical current, which destroys the follicle, causing the hair to fall out and preventing any re-growth.
There are essentially three types of electrolysis - galvanic, thermolysis, and blend.
Galvanic electrolysis has been used to successfully remove unwanted hair since the late 1800s. Instead of a wave of electricity being used to destroy the hair follicle, galvanic electrolysis uses salt and water, which is chemically altered to produce lye. Lye is sodium hydroxide, which is commonly used in many detergents and household cleaners. Hair follicles despise lye, and as it accumulates they are gradually weakened until they eventually die.
A woman's arm after hair removal
Thermolysis electrolysis removes hair by placing a radio transmitter onto the skin. The hair is then wetted with water and the transmitter causes the water to vibrate extremely rapidly, producing heat. As the water gets hotter, the follicles become damaged, fall out, and are prevented from regrowing.
Because galvanic and thermolysis electrolysis do not always cause 100% of the hair to be removed, a third option is available designed to guarantee maximum results. Aptly named "blend electrolysis," this method is a combination of the galvanic and thermolysis treatments. If one particular method does not result in 100% hair loss, then the other treatment is performed until the area is completely free of hair.
The Advantages of Electrolysis Hair Removal
The obvious major advantage of electrolysis is that it removes the hair permanently. As it has been around since the late 1900s, it is a well-established, effective technique for removing hair, which has been constantly modified and improved over the decades to meet today's flawless standards.
If constantly spending extra precious minutes in the shower shaving legs and underarms is becoming too time-consuming, grueling, and laborious, then making an appointment with a qualified electrologist should definitely be considered.
Where electrolysis prevails over other hair removal techniques, namely laser hair removal, is because it attacks the hair follicle rather than the pigment. Electrolysis can remove practically any color of hair. Contrary to popular belief, unlike many other methods of hair removal, both ones that are deemed to be permanent and other temporary treatments, electrolysis is "virtually painless".
Although a topical anesthetic is offered to particularly nervous or squeamish clients, the technology used today produces a mere tingling sensation rather than any pain or discomfort.
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