Wash Out Hair Color

Color Oops washes bad color out of your hair!
If you are one of the millions of men or women that has tried to color their hair at home or even had it done professionally and it is was a horrible job, there is now great hope!
The average man or woman colors their hair approximately nine times and nearly half are not happy with the results, no matter if they do it at home or have it done professionally. The worst part about a bad coloring job is that there were very few options available to change it. You could wait for it to grow out or spend a lot of time and money in the salon trying to repair the color treatment. This not only resulted in loss of money, but could do extreme damage to the hair as well.
This great new product, Color Oops has changed all that. Now, you can wash the unwanted color away in less than 20 minutes.
Coloring products use a peroxide formula to help swell hair follicles to help them retain the color. Color Oops uses a hydrosulfite that helps reverse the coloring process by shrinking the color molecule. This leaves it so small that it simply washes out of the hair.
The product is also very gentle on the hair. In fact, if you desire you can recolor your hair the same day that you use it on your bad color job.
Dave Agrey founded Developlus over 20 years ago and the company has created many of the top private label dyes for several of the best hair coloring brands. The company now distributes Satin ™ which is the largest selling hair coloring product at professional supply stores.