Bob with Bangs for a Little Girl

Bob haircut for little girls
She does not need a mirror on the wall to know that she is the prettiest little girl around.
Her practical bob is a classic and just a chic and sassy choice for every age. Her personal version has a high onset for the long fringe, that just covers her eyebrows.
The sides are cut to a length between the earlobe and the chin. This length looks great without any frills, but a couple of small hairpins along the side could be a pretty alternative look.
Girly girls or tomboys alike love the feel and quick and easy styling of this look which really shortens the time in the bathroom and gives them more time for the really interesting things in life.
Bob cut for little girls
Photos: Siamionau Pavel/Shutterstock
See also:
More Hairstyles for Little Girls
How to cut a bob for a little girl
How to cut a circle cut for kids