Sport Cuts, Colors and Styles for Men

In Sport Cuts, Colors & Styles (1 Hr. 55 Mins.), Randy Topham demonstrates four haircuts for your more casual, sport-oriented male clients:
• Opened-up shaping for long natural curls, created with a bricking shear technique to remove excess weight.
• Updated mop top with a long top and tight sides texturized with a feathered razor.
• Texturized curly hair with a basic shear cut. And a shoulder-length haircut, texturized by twisting strands and randomly hitting with a trimmer and notching with shears to remove weight.
• Randy also shows four different hair coloring techniques (weaving, coloring to leave natural highlights, scrunching on highlights, and lightening and darkening with a hand-painted "balayage" technique) and various hair styling options.
Click here to order the DVD with cutting, styling and coloring instructions. (Paid link)
See also: More Instructional DVDs for Men's Hair