Tips To Make Prom Perfect (3)

Curling hair for prom
Photo: Shutterstock
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Choose your date carefully. Not every young woman will have a steady boyfriend when Prom rolls around. If you don't have a boyfriend, be sure to select a date you can have a good time with. A good friend or someone you have known for a while makes an excellent choice.
Prom is not the time to have a "first date" with someone. You're already going to be a little nervous with it being Prom Night; adding in the extra pressure of the "first date" scenario is just too much. It's also not the time to "get back together" with an ex-boyfriend. There's going to be history there that can overshadow the good times you hope to have.
To Tan or not to Tan. A lot of young women want to have that sun-bronzed glow for Prom. Since tanning beds and booths are extremely harmful to your skin (and can result in accidental overexposure, giving you a lobster look) you should avoid them at all costs. Try a sunless tanning lotion or bronzer instead, but use it a day or two before Prom so that you can adjust your results and catch any potential missed spots that could be embarrassing if noticed on the big night.
Make your plans well in advance. Have your transportation taken care of, flowers ordered, and the people you are sitting with chosen as early as possible. Make a list of these items and call the day before the event to confirm the orders have been processed and that everything is on schedule.
You should also plan for potential disasters. For instance, have a backup car lined up in the event your limo doesn't show up, and have a game plan prepared to handle other unexpected difficulties. If you know what you'll do in case of a problem, you won't have a reason to panic or get upset. You can simply go with "Plan B".
So, think through every possible scenario and decide what you’ll do if the worst happens. Then, if something does go wrong, you can impress everyone with your ability to remain composed under pressure. Once you know all the I’s are dotted and the T’s are crossed, you can focus on your date, your friends, and simply having a great evening.
Photo camera to make prom memories
Photo: George Milton/Pexels
Making Memories. Don’t bring your dad’s expensive camera to prom with you. You could break it or lose it, and you'll have to carry it around all night and worry about whether it's safe. Use your smartphone or a small disposable camera that you can stash in your purse. It’s perfect for these occasions and will let you take some fun candid shots of your friends and their dates throughout the night, and you won’t have to worry if it gets lost. The really important pictures from prom will be handled by a professional photographer, anyway.
Emergency Kit:
Finally, here’s a list of things you should plan to have with you on prom night, just to be on the safe side:
A lipstick and a powder compact – For quick touch-ups of your makeup finish when needed.
Breath mints – For obvious reasons, no gum. Chewing gum at a formal function is as inappropriate as going nude to Sunday dinner.
A cell phone – In case you need to call for help in an unexpected emergency, be sure to leave the phone turned off except when you're using it. The phone is there in case it's needed, not so friends (or family) can call in for a play-by-play. If you don't have a cell phone, be sure to bring change for a payphone. There's never a guarantee that you'll have access to a non-tolled phone.
Cab fare – Sometimes even the best-laid plans can go awry, and you don’t want to find yourself in a situation where you’re trapped in a place you are comfortable. A young woman should never be in a position where she feels she has to tolerate inappropriate or unsafe behavior (such as a date intending to drink and drive) just because she has no other way to get home.
An umbrella – If it isn’t raining, you can leave it in the car, but if it does rain you’ll be really happy that you have it.
Your Prom Night is something you’ll remember for a long, long time. The important thing is to try and make sure that the memories you have of the evening are great ones. All it takes is a little advanced planning, and some smart choices and you’ll make your special night as wonderful and stress-free as you possibly can.