Haringtons - Great Marlborough Street

When it comes to creating exceptional hair colour and the hottest catwalk looks, a team of hairdressers from Haringtons on Great Marlborough Street have proved they are among the best in the UK having made it through to the Grand Final of the L’Oréal Colour Trophy 2007.
At the London Regional Final their live hairdressing skills were put under the spotlight by a panel of top hairdressers judges including Andrew Barton, Guy Kremer, Adam Reed and Alan Edwards. “The London region produced the highest standard of entries I have seen in the history of the L’Oréal Colour Trophy. Everyone who participated in the competition should feel really proud,” said Andrew Barton.
The team’s had just thirty minutes to create a winning look under the brief ‘hair inspired by fashion’. Here Nick and Emma explain the thinking behind their striking image: “With regard to the hair colour, were going with a metallic feel so there are elements of silver, grey and black. The hairstyle was designed to capture the feel of the sixties and in order to give it a modern feel, we offset the height of a typical beehive at the side rather than at the crown in a kind of anti-head shape.”
“We didn’t believe it when we were first told,” said Nick. “When it was confirmed we were jumping around the salon in delight. It really is the most unexpected, amazing news!”
More Regional Finalists
Photo Credits: L'Oréal Professionnel