How To Grow Out Your Bangs

Fear not, for we have the best tricks in the book to help you swiftly along the tricky road of growing out your bangs. I have one sage piece of advice concerning this road, though: it will be much more pleasant if you take your hairstylist along for the ride. Go to your hairdresser and tell them that you want to grow out your bangs.
Trimming & Thinning
First, place the palm of your hand flat on your bangs so that you can see the actual line of your bangs. You want to make sure that your fringe runs in a straight line, so that when it grows out, it grows out evenly. If it's not straight, wait until your bangs hang at least over your eyebrows, and then trim it ever so slightly so that the bangs hang in a straight line.
You could decide to do the trimming on your own, or you could follow my advice and go to the hairdresser to help you with this. If you go to the hairdresser, make it very clear that you are in the process of growing out your bangs, so that you are on the same page concerning your future hairstyle.
Thinning out your bangs with thinning scissors is also a great way to help you cope with the bulk. I strongly suggest that you leave this particular step to the professionals, though. In the first place, you need to have thinning scissors to do this (professional cutting scissors with a specialized blade designed to reduce the bulk of the hair without reducing the length), which the majority of DIY stylists have little knowledge of.

Secondly, if you use the thinning shears in excess or implement an improper technique, you will most likely end up with scraggly-looking bangs with uncontrollable pieces of short hair sticking up in the air. This is a bad look for a woman, not one that even iconic bangs-maiden of all time, Brigitte Bardot, would attempt to pull off.
Hair Accessories
With that fittingly grotesque picture of horror behind us, let's move on to the next tip. Bobby pins. For a womanl trying to grow out her wispy last-season bangs, bobby pins are the best thing since the little black dress.
Bobby pins can be used to sweep your bangs up and back to create a modern look. Or it can be lifted, twisted to the side and secured with the power of bobby pins, with the famed vigor of seasoned gals growing out their bangs. The secret is to have fun with it. Twist it, style it, curl it, or pin it. Just remember to enjoy it while you have it.
To complement the ingenious use of the bobby pin, you should also make use of the glorious benefits of hair accessories. Whether you tend to lean toward the old-school or beautifully vintage side, or the shiny modern hair adornments, hair accessories should be your new best friend.

Hair Band
So you're thinking: These ideas are great and all, but what about those dreaded bad hair days when your rebellious bangs simply refuse to submit to your brush or accessories? Oh, well, fellow hair-enthusiasts, this is where we call in the big guns. Make way for the hair band.
The hair band can and will handle even the most difficult of bad hair days with almost unbelievable ease. Brush back the majority of those unruly bangs, and simply put on your hair band in a color that complements your outfit and makeup. The hair band will tame even the most unruly bangs, while adding a sense of relaxed style and confidence to your overall look.
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