Hawaiian Beauty Secrets

Beautiful Hawaiian girl
Photo: Shutterstock
The Hawaiian approach to beauty, since ancient times, has always been of a holistic kind. All is considered to be one - the mind, body, and spirit. All of these elements interact with one another and cannot be treated separately.
When discovering the lotions and potions of the Pacific, one should also take a look at the traditions and ancient practices that have been used to gain health and beauty. Perhaps the most important and at the same time simplest beauty secret is: Your body can only be as beautiful on the outside as you feel on the inside.
Being exposed to the sun and water can take its toll on skin and hair. No matter if you are in the tropics, the Mediterranean, or your local lake or river, you can use the simple and natural treatments from the South Pacific anywhere.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is one of the most versatile oils and can be used in so many ways. It has great nutritional value when eaten, but is also an amazing and easily found treatment for hair and skin. It has amazing effects to protect and moisturize hair and skin, and it has a delightful scent.
Coconut Oil on the Skin
The molecular structure of coconut oil is very small, which is why it can easily be absorbed without leaving an oily film on you. It is used as a remedy for dry skin and has even been proven to be helpful with skin diseases like psoriasis.
For locals in Hawaii, coconut oil is still the preferred sun tan lotion. Now, there are also coconut oil products available with a variety of sun protection factors.
Coconut oil also makes a great massage oil.
Photo: Marina Leonova/Pexels
Coconut Oil for the Hair
Just as it has many great uses for your skin, coconut oil can also do wonders for your hair and scalp. Many people rub a small amount into their hair before they go into the water. It protects the hair from becoming brittle over time when exposed to all these forces of nature. Just put a small amount of it in your hands, rub your palms together, and then smooth it over the hair. This works for both long and short hair.
If you want to give your hair a very special tropical treat, then spread some coconut oil in all of your hair and onto your scalp. Let it do its job for as long as you are comfortable, but about 20 minutes should be enough. Then shampoo your hair as usual. Do not apply any conditioner afterward. You'll find that your hair will be shiny and looking as healthy as it can be. This treatment has also proven to help with dandruff.
Kukui Nut Oil for skin and hair
You might have already seen the Hawaiian kukui nut leis - a string of brown to black shiny and smooth nuts that is worn around the neck, mostly by men on various occasions. The kukui nut, also called candlenut, and its many uses are not very well known outside of Polynesia, but the popularity of this precious oil is steadily increasing.
The name candlenut comes from the ancient use of kukui nuts as candles. They were strung on the midrib of a palm leaf, which served as a wick, and then lit. Their high oil content allowed them to stay lit throughout the tropical nights.
Kukui nut leis
Photo: Sarah8000/Getty Images Signature via Canva
Kukui nut oil is an excellent skin treatment. It even moisturizes very dry skin, heals broken skin, and is used as a soothing relief after sunburn and reduces redness and swelling in other minor burns.
This amazing oil penetrates the skin quickly without leaving an oily residue. It contains vitamins A, C, and E and a high level of antioxidants, which help to slow down the aging process of our skin and keep it supple and soft.
It has a light and pleasant scent and is used in massage oils, skin creams, or just pure. It works great as a makeup remover and if used regularly, it will reduce fine lines and small wrinkles.
Kukui nut oil users have also reported relief with skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema.
What is good for the skin is often beneficial for the hair as well. Kukui nut oil can heal a dry scalp and make hair soft and shiny. It detangles rebellious hair and seals the hair to make it resistant to the damaging effects of water, wind, and sun.
Just put a few drops of it in your shampoo or regular conditioner, or just rub it into your palms and distribute a small amount evenly over your hair.
In the islands of Tonga, locals still grind the ripe nuts into a paste and use it as shampoo or as soap for the skin.