Being a Hairdresser (2)

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• Training Options – In order to become a licensed professional in your area, you will need training in the services and procedures you will need to perform. There are options available for almost every individual's needs. You could choose to attend an accredited technical college for training or a specialized school that teaches you the things you need to know to perform your chosen profession. In most cases, the cost of getting your education from an accredited school can be offset by scholarships and grants from state and federal agencies.
Some people need a more affordable way of getting their education, or prefer a more hands-on approach to getting their training. These people may opt for an apprenticeship. Apprenticing usually takes longer to get your certification, but for some people, it is the best option, and it allows them to train in the same environment in which they will be working once they are trained and licensed.
• People – This was also listed under the "Pros" section, but it must be included here because dealing with people as part of your job can be very problematic. Some customers can be very difficult to please, and you must be very careful to communicate fully with them or you will never make them happy. You need to hone your people skills and your communication skills to their sharpest if you’re going to make dealing with people a successful venture.
• Responsibility – Being a hairdresser is a BIG responsibility. Most people, regardless of their age, gender, and profession are very particular about their hair. When they come to you for a haircut, color service, or other procedure, they expect you to make them look their best, and will hold you accountable for anything that goes wrong. Accidents can happen, and hair does grow back, but you can be assured that when mistakes occur with any client, it's rare that the client will want to come back for a second chance.
You have to make sure to never do something to a client unless you are sure of the likely results. Remember: clients may forget to tell others specifically who gave them a great service, but will make a point to tell anyone when they receive a bad service.

• Competition – Competition isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it is something all potential hairdressers have to contend with. Every year, hundreds and thousands of new hairdressers will become licensed in your area. Often, a client will not be concerned about switching to a different stylist for whatever reason comes to mind, regardless of how good the service you provided was. You will have some clients who are loyal and who will come to you exclusively for their needs, provided you offer good service. However, every potential client you see will becourted by every other hairdresser. If you let it bother you, you can easily become discouraged.
• Continuing Education – After you’ve been trained and licensed, your education in the beauty industry is far from over. There are new techniques constantly being developed, as well as new products and processes that have to be learned in order to stay up-to-date with trends and styles. Hairdressers who sit back and rest on their laurels will soon find their business declining. In some areas, state and regional licensing boards require that you take continuing education courses in order to renew your license and continue practicing your profession legally.
If you're serious about pursuing a career in hairdressing, be sure to consider all the pros and cons of the job, and never think that hairdressing is an easy task. Like any other career, you will have aspects of the job that you will find good and bad. If after knowing all the negatives of the career you still feel that hairdressing is for you, then join the millions of hairdressers worldwide who’ve undertaken the task of making the world a more beautiful place... one client at a time.
See also:
Freelance hairdressing jobs
Talents and skills to become a good hairdresser
Occupational diseases among hairdressers