Basic Hair Care

You're probably thinking, "I know how to shampoo and condition my hair; I've been doing it for years." But I've noticed in dealing with my clients that there are a large number of people who just seem to be mishandling their hair. This mishandling is having an effect on the hair that isn't beneficial.
Because the nature of my services allows me to charge a higher rate for services, many of my clients prefer to take care of basic processes themselves. I'll arrive at the client's home; we'll discuss the service (haircut, roller set, perm, color, etc.) and I'll send them to the bathroom with products to shampoo and condition their hair (when appropriate) while I set up my equipment. They usually emerge with their hair still wet while they towel it dry.

• Most people use more shampoo than necessary when washing their hair.
• Most people are rougher than necessary when handling their hair during basic hair care processes like shampooing and conditioning (especially those with long hair).
• Many people (especially those with longer or thicker hair) don't rinse their hair well enough after shampooing or conditioning.
• Most people with short hair use too much conditioner.
• Most people with long hair use too little conditioner.
• Most people towel dry their hair in the roughest manner imaginable.
• Most people are unaware of the proper way to comb out towel-dried hair.

• My hair gets very knotty after shampooing and conditioning.
• My scalp gets itchy after I shampoo and condition my hair.
• My hair gets weaker as it grows longer. My shorter hair always looked healthy, but now that I'm growing it out, it seems to break more easily.
• Using conditioner on my hair makes it oily.
• When I wash my hair, it gets too dry, especially on the ends.
I'm sure many of you can see the correlation between the complaints in the second list and the traits I've noted in the first one. It amazes me that, as obvious as the relationships seem to be, few people ever see the connections between the ways they shampoo, condition, and dry their hair and the complaints they have. I think this is because most people learn their hair care habits at an early age and don't think to make changes in the way they do things as they get older or their hair changes.
A man (or woman) who grew up wearing his (or her) hair cut short learns to shampoo, condition and dry his (or her) hair in a specific manner. Now that he's (or she's) older and trying to grow long hair, he (or she) fails to realize that the way you treat long hair is different from the way you treat short hair. It's a similar problem with women who grow up with long hair and decide to suddenly go with a short hairstyle. They tend to use the same amounts of product on their shorter hair as they used on their longer hair.
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