How to Blow-dry a Long Bob with Volume

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7. Draw out the next two inch section of hair from the secured knot, and clip the hair up again. Try to minimise the contact of the wet hair with the dry hair. Repeat the above process; blow-drying the hair with the round brush until the hair is 100% dry.
  • Roll the hair around Velcro rollers
  • Blow-dry the hair with a round brush
  • Roll rollers into the hair
  • Roll the hair in a clock-wise direction

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8. Roll the next batch of rollers into the hair. As you move upwards, the area of hair expands, thus you’ll need more rollers along the occipital ridge of the head. Take care not to disturb the bottom rollers as you roll the top ones in. Again spray the rollers with some hairspray and continue with the next section.
9. You may have a limited amount of rollers, which is fine. By now, the bottom section has completely cooled down, resulting in sufficient setting-time for the hair to be moulded into form. Gently remove the lowest rollers, and use it again in the top section. Note that we are rolling the hair around the roller in a clock-wise direction to achieve the volume-filled downwards style that we’re creating.
10. It’s important that you arrange the top and front rollers in the way that you want the hair to eventually fall when the style is completed. Note the top roller will create enough volume on the top of the model’s head, while the fringe rollers are arranged in the pattern that the model’s fringe area will ultimately fall.
When you’ve blow-dried and rolled in the entire head, give a good over-all spray again with your medium- to strong hold aerosol hairspray. Give the hair about five minutes to set in the fringe area before you gently remove the remaining rollers.
11. When you have removed the rollers, the hair will remain in the form that it was moulded in by the rollers. Don’t be alarmed by the excessive volume, you’ll be coming the unnecessary amount down with your fingertips. Always remember to rather aim for too much volume than too little, as you can always reduce the amount of volume in the final stage of styling. But it is very hard to try and add volume when the hair is already dry and set.
  • Arrange the top and front rollers
  • Hair with excessive volume
  • Comb your fingers through the hair
  • Back view of a bob after blow drying

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12. Comb your fingertips gently through the hair to smooth down the volume and to comb the style into place. You can also use the end of your teasing comb to neaten the style once you have created the basic shape of the style. Take care not to over-comb the hair, in effect losing too much of the volume that you’ve created. Gently comb and spray while you proceed.
Front view of a long bob after blow drying 13. Note that the back of the hair also has a lot of volume. This will create an aesthetically pleasing form from the back and especially the side of the model’s head. If you lack volume in the crown area, you can gently back-comb the hair in this area and comb the surface hair neatly into place again, followed by spraying the hair with strong hold hairspray.
14. Spray the over-all style with a medium-hold hairspray to ensure that the hair retains its volume and shape. Finish the look off with some shine spray and a silicone-based styling lotion or spray to add shine and glamour, while simultaneously blocking out any humidity that might be present in the air.
See also:
How to blow dry hair
How to cut a long bob