Victorian Up Style

Whether one has a formal event, a day on the job, or is running errands around town, it's always nice to have the option of putting one's hair up in a fun, professional manner. Below is a look called "Victorian." This look is great on second-day hair.
Tip: Remember to pull your twist back loosely. Once the twist is secured, the ends of the twist will hang down in the path of the next twist. Simply secure the next twist over the ends.
Step2: Follow the directions in Step 1 for the left side of the head. The twists should meet in the back at the center of the head.
Step3: Secure the twists together with elastic hair ties.
Step4: Section off a one-inch deep by two-inch long portion of hair from the right side of your head just behind the ear and twist it to the back as noted in Step 1. Do the same on the left side of the head.
Step5: Gather the two twisted sides together at the back of your head just below the first twist. Secure the second set of twists together with a hair tie.
Step6: Continue the same process in steps 1-3 down the length of your hair.
Step7: After all twists are secure, it's time to accessorize: flowers, ribbons, and gems are all nice additions to this look.
To learn more about how to style curly hair up, check out Strictly Curls is a how-to styling book that teaches the reader how to create 14 different curly hairstyles.
Article: Nicole Siri
Photo: Jenny Schomaker