Twist Back Hairstyle

How to create the Twist Back hairstyle for curly hair:
Step 1: Gather a 1-inch by 2-inch section of hair at the brow of your hairline in the center of your head, just above your forehead. Twist the hair toward the crown of your head.
Step 2: Secure the twist with a bobby pin. When pinning, straddle your twist with the bobby pin, positioning one leg of the pin on either side of the twist. Gently press the bobby pin straight down to the scalp, then push the pin forward and through the twist, hiding it within the hair.
Step 3: Follow steps 1-2, gathering sections of equal-sized hair on either side of the existing center twist. Complete one twist to the left of center and a third twist to the right. Secure the twist as described in Step 2.
Step 4: Your twist back is complete. Fluff your curls, and you're ready for anything that may come your way.
TIP: Fresh flowers would be a great accessory for this look. Simply insert your flower of choice at the end of the twist closest to the crown of the head.

To learn more about styling curly hair up, check out Strictly Curls is a new how-to styling book that teaches the reader how to create 14 different curly hairstyles.
Article: Nicole Siri
Photo: Jenny Schomaker