The Rope Braid

There are many different ways to braid long hair, and there is a classic braiding style called the Invisible Braid (or the French Braid in the United States), which is very popular. However, there is a variant of the Invisible Braid that adds a nice "twist" to the classic look. This variant is called a Rope Braid. Here's how to create the Rope Braid:
Step One: As always, start with clean hair, either freshly washed, conditioned, and towel-dried, or fully dry if preferred. I personally prefer damp hair for braiding. Spray the hair with a detangling spray or leave-in conditioner, and comb through until all tangles are removed. Comb the hair back and away from the face.
The model in this demonstration has curly hair, which makes braiding easier in many ways. You can always add some styling product (mousse, gel, setting lotion, etc.) to add texture and "grip" to the hair if you have trouble braiding the hair you're working on.

Step Two: Divide the triangular section into three "strands" and hold them in one hand, separating them with the fingers of the same hand. Begin the braid by crossing the right strand over the center strand, then shift the strands to the opposite hand, and cross the left strand over the "new" center strand. Shift the strands back to the original hand.
Step Three: Now for the "twist": While holding all three strands firmly in the same hand, "flip" the hand to "twist" the braid. Reposition the strands so that they are back in the original hand, but with the previous order reversed.

Step Four: Continue the braid by taking a thin slice of hair from the right side of the head and combining it with the right strand, then crossing this over the center strand. Shift the strands to the opposite hand. Now, take a slice from the left side of the head, combine it with the left strand, and cross it over the center strand. Return the strands to the starting hand and "flip" the braid once more. Reposition the strands to the original hand as before.
Step Five: Repeat step four until you have braided your way down the head to the nape of the neck. You can make the braid as tight or as loose as you want by maintaining the tension with which you hold the hair.
Step Six: Once you've reached the nape of the neck, finish the braid however you want: gather the hair in an elastic band at the neck and leave the remaining hair to flow freely, or continue crossing the strands right-over-center and left-over-center until you reach the ends of the hair.

For the demonstration, I stopped the braid at the nape of the neck, gathering the hair into an elastic band. The finished braid can now be decorated with clips, ribbons, bows, flowers, etc. Almost anything could be used to decorate or add additional interest to the braid. There is also the option, when stopping at the nape of the neck, to use a curling iron to style the tail of the braid into ringlets, or you could use your imagination to come up with a number of fun ways to finish the style.
The rope braid finishes with a tidy look and a prominent ridge feature down the center of the head. The style holds well and is an excellent way to wear long hair during all kinds of active endeavors, such as sporting events, swimming, and housework.
See also: More about Braiding Hair