Quick Fixes for Long Hair

The Curl Fall
Continuing our suggestions of quick and easy hairstyles for women with long hair, here is a style to create a soft, romantic look. Since one of the biggest complaints for women with long hair is the amount of time required to dry the hair, many prefer to use curling irons to achieve curly styles rather than wrapping the hair with rollers in a wet set and waiting for hours (or sitting under a heated bonnet dryer) while the hair dries.
It should be noted that hair curled using a wet roller set will hold curl much longer than hair curled by a curling iron, especially if you have access to a bonnet dryer. Both heat and moisture act to break the side bonds and rearrange the wave pattern of the hair. When you use both as part of the styling process, you create an even stronger wave pattern than using either alone.
• Butterfly clips (to section the hair)
• Snag-safe elastic band
• Blow dryer
• Curling iron (with your desired barrel size)
• Styling gel or setting lotion
• Hairspray
• Vented brush and tail combs
How to Create the Style:
This style is usually best achieved if you begin with freshly washed and conditioned hair left wet. Before you dry the hair, apply a generous amount of styling gel or setting lotion and massage it evenly throughout the hair. Then blow dry the hair thoroughly using a vented brush to keep the hair smooth. Once the hair is dry, comb thin slices of hair and lightly mist them w ith hairspray. Allow the hairspray to dry and brush the hair to re-smooth.
The next step is to section the hair to begin creating curls. Part the hair horizontally across the top of the head, twist the hair up, and clip it in place with a butterfly clip. Then divide the hair at the back of the head into two vertical panels, twist them up, and clip them securely. Once this is done, decide which side you wish to begin working with and let down a small section of hair approximately 1.5-2 inches deep.

Mist this small section again with hairspray and comb out a slice of the section to curl. Wrap the hair around the barrel of your curling iron to create a spiral curl, hold for a few seconds, and then unwind the hair. Repeat the process until you've curled the entire section, making sure to let the curls cool. Then release another section from the same panel, working your way up.
The curling process will take more or less time depending on the size of the curling iron you choose and the amount of hair you curl at one time. Even with very long hair, a 2-inch diameter barrel will make short work of creating the desired curls. For our demonstration, we used a 3/4-inch barrel iron, and the curling process took approximately 30 minutes.

So, continue curling the hair as described until both panels of hair have been curled, then lightly mist the hair again with hairspray. Now we are ready to begin working with the hair at the top of the head.
By combing slices perpendicular to the hairline, form slices and curl them with the iron until the top section has been curled. Then, back-comb the hair about an inch inside the hairline to add some height on top of the head. Gather the top section at the crown area and smooth the outer surface of the hair. Secure this top section at the crown using a snag-free elastic band. Lightly spray the top section with hairspray and gently pat the hair to smooth any flyaway strands.

The remaining styling is accomplished with your fingers. Insert your fingers into the mass of curls and shake them out to fall across the shoulders. Use your fingers to separate and arrange the curls as you desire. When finished, you will have a very soft, romantic style suitable for virtually any situation.
See also:
How to make a braided bun
How to make a layered ponytail