Pin-up'date by XYZ

Without compromising its legendary extravagance, XYZ is treading retro territories to update the pinup concept. Thanks to new "plugs-in" downloaded into the designers’ memory, the new collection, "pin-up'date," has come into being. Its creators see "pin-up'date" as the epitome of the ideal woman—a fetishistic icon filled with a true fascination for retro fashions and Hollywood glamour.
This trend is embodied in ultra-feminine hairstyles and the appearance of a new type of feminine look in a great number of magazines, posters, and artistic postcards.
Purple Flow

This short hairstyle with a slender shape features extravagant texture and a unique hair color. Goth meets glamour with a shiny yet subdued purple that is gently constrained by subtly darker edges.
The long, tongue-shaped fringe is anchored high on the crown. It starts powerful and dense before fading into a needle-sharp texture, leaving a peek-a-boo opening for a smoky eye look.
Fiery Texture

Classic round lines have turned avant-garde with fine texturing of the top layer. The deep bangs move onto cheekbone-enhancing sides and come with a good dose of retro chic.
The crowning glory of this stylish and refreshingly new short haircut is the texture, cut, and style with feeling and finesse, resembling a smoldering fire that breaks free from conventional form. The almost charcoal black adds to the mystery.
Great Chemistry

Texture is the superpower that turns this medium-length layered hairstyle into a wearable expression of art. Breaking up the lines and filling the space with finely tuned vibration are sharp, pointed strands that look fragile and dangerous at the same time.
All is set upon a solid base that is evident in front with thick, curved bangs. Highlights on the ash blonde base color enhance the dynamic.

What begins with smooth, straight bangs transforms into an opulent curly mass of seduction. It is this contrast between the straight and the unruly that imparts incomparable energy to this hairstyle.
And it is not only the different textures that play with our senses here but also the varying lengths that bring visual and textural excitement. The chestnut hair color was bathed in a transparent berry hue, lending even more spectacular dimension to this extravagant look.
Hairstyles: Séverine Tieleman & Michaël Del Bianco for XYZ
Photos: Fabrice Mariscotti
Makeup: Andréa Aquilino
Styling: Pitsy fashion
Production: ©XYZ BELGIUM