This unique collection of ksfh hairstyles was inspired by the hair fashion of the early 1990s. These styles, once very popular, have been updated with a contemporary touch. The hairstyles are daring yet stunningly beautiful, offering a choice between straight, long hair or two short haircuts.
The styles are highly layered, with a lot of creative disconnection used to create the cuts. Layering and disconnecting were both very popular techniques in the early 1990s. The cutting lines are strong, showcasing the hairdresser's skills. Each hairstyle is a work of art in its own right!
As always, ksfh has styled its haircuts in various ways. Their philosophy is to cut hairstyles that offer a range of styling options.

Color: Marko Beltram for ksfh
Makeup: Marko Žagar for ksfh
Photography: Dejan Nikolič
See also: Short hairstyles | Long hairstyles