The Most Beautiful Hair in the World

Photo 1: Light blonde tresses explore the shoulders from a cutting side part and flirtatious bangs lie over the side of the face and drop into tussled cascade curls. Thermo styling lotion for blow drying and a fixing lotion before you use your spiral curling iron will be useful. A round or flat iron for the bangs with a small amount of gloss can be used when you are finished.
Photo 2: Reddish blonde hair is displayed in a mass cluster of curls that form around the head providing the desired volume. The side part follows over into a small cascade along the side of the face; whereas the other side is combed down to connect with the curls. Scrunch with plenty of gel and spray.
Photo 3: A colossal bulk of brunette kink makes a grand statement in the shape of a frivolous triangle that extends to the models shoulders out and beyond. The dream of this fantasy can be obtained through a high level permanent, with back brushing and spray.
Photo 4: A large sweeping movement of hair is defined in a mound of red and gold tousled curls that gather around the shoulders. The sharp definition of the smooth awareness on the top is the dividing factor and the bigger than life current of curls. Smooth with a large curling iron on the top and medium iron on the ends, pluck out with your large toothed comb and spray bringing the ends up where you desire.
More Intercoiffure Mondial Hairstyles
Photographs: ©Intercoiffure Mondial