Hair Straightening Kit
![Woman with a clock](woman-clock-th.jpg)
A: Well, you run the risk of seriously damaging your hair. These hair straightening kits are designed for home use and formulated for "normal" hair. Hair that is fine or porous may be damaged if exposed to the straightening chemicals too frequently or for too long. This is also true of hair that has been previously permed, or colored with permanent hair color.
a) I have not seen your hair and its current condition,
b) I do not know what previous chemical services you may have had, and
c) the company sets the guidelines for product use for a reason. It may be that your hair is naturally resistant (meaning that it has a compact cuticle and doesn't process in the normal amount of time).
If your hair is resistant, this would explain the less satisfactory than expected results, but you should be sure that this is the case before deciding to repeat a process that could lead to damage if done too soon.
The bottom line (from my point of view) is that you should wait out the length of time suggested by the product manufacturer. Consider using non-permanent hair-straightening styling products to help you bide your time during the wait.
If you don't wait for the suggested period of time before reusing the product on your hair and you do experience detrimental effects from doing so, you will have no one to blame but yourself.
See also:
Hair straightening
Hair straightening disaster
How to ruin good hair