Hair Magazines

American Salon
Magazine for the American salon owner. American Salon shines a spotlight on all things beauty through
inspiring and relevant content that reaches more than one million salon professionals in print, online, in its app and across its social media platforms. More...
A Selection of Hair Magazines
Hair magazines available through Hairfinder. Modern Salon (monthly, for salon professionals), Salon Today (for owners of salons and spas), American Salon, Beauty Store Business (trade magazine),
Hype Hair (for African American women), Black Beauty and Hair,... More...
Szépvilág Extra
Hungary’s Nr. 1 professional hair and beauty magazine. Hair, beauty, nail art, spa – not only for professionals. Bimonthly, 165 pages. Magyarország elso számú szakmai lapja. Haj, kozmetika, körömápolás –
nem csak szakmabelieknek. Kéthavonta, 165 oldal. More...
Coiffure Beauty
Coiffure Beauty is a professional publication that has been present on the Bulgarian market for more than fifteen years. Featuring professional articles related to haircuts, coloring, and hairstyling. On
their website, you can view collections, read interviews, and news from the industry. More...
A Dutch magazine for the professional hairdresser. Each edition is full of new collections, ideas and interviews. There is also a digital magazine available for free online reading. Interesting website with
blogs, videos, looks and news about products and events. More...
Pinni is Finland's only subscription-based hair and beauty specialty magazine. It's a high-quality publication, with each issue comprising at least 108 pages. Published eight times a year, the magazine
covers new trends, events, fairs, courses, and training in the field. More...
Salon Business
British trade magazine for hair salon owners. The latest hairdressing industry news, hair advice and collections. An interesting website with the latest hair related news, jobs,
education, blog, catwalk news and an online version of the magazine. More...