Hair Care How Tos (3)

Woman who is properly taking care of her hair

Girl with long hair in humid weather How to Maintain Your Hairstyle in Humid Weather
Depending on your hair type, the high moisture content in the air during humid weather can either create frizzy locks or weigh your hair down. You can take simple steps to minimize the effects of humidity and maintain your hairstyle. More...

Woman with healthy hair How to Grow Healthy Long Hair
Genetics play a part in so many aspects of our lives. Hair and the way it grows is no different. While we have to work with what genetics gave us, there are several things we can do to help in the endeavor of growing our hair as long as our genes will allow us to. More...

Hair with split ends How to Repair Split Ends
Many of us have found ourselves at some point dealing with the dreaded condition known as split ends. It can be caused by a variety of factors, from too-vigorous brushing, to the damaging effects of wind and water during outdoor activities. More...

Girl who is saving money How to Save on Haircuts and Hair Care
Saving on haircuts and hair care is a great way to free up some cash for other things, even in good economic times. In this article you can find some ideas and tips on how to make the most of your beauty budget without compromising your appearance or the quality of your care. More...

Shampoo and towels How to Shampoo a Bedridden or Mobility-Impaired Individual
Most of us have experienced the issues that arise when someone is sick and in bed for an extended period of time. The hair gets limp and often oily, matted with sweat, and will tend to begin to smell after a few days. Here are some tips and solutions. More...

Woman with a hair brush How to Take Care of Chemically Treated Hair
Hair that has not been chemically treated is hard to come across these days. Chemical treatments can be harsh. That doesn’t mean we’re going to stop doing it. But the least we can do is take good care of our hair afterward. Here are some tips to get you on track. More...

Girl with frizzy hair How to Tame Frizzy Hair
Frizzy hair can arise from a variety of causes. The best treatment for hair frizz will depend somewhat on the root cause of the problem. By following a few simple tips, you can have hair that is manageable, smooth, and free of frizz. More...

Happy baby How to Wash a Baby's Hair
With first-time parents, the prospect of doing anything to their newborn baby can seem like a daunting and complex task. Washing a baby’s hair has to be high up on the ‘how the hell do I do that?’ agenda! Fortunately, parents are not alone, and help is at hand. More...

Woman who is washing her hair How To Wash Your Hair
Whether you are a daily shampooer, an every-other-day washer, or cleanse when you feel like it... there is no doubt about it, washing your hair is a task that most of us do on a regular basis. Here are some tips to turn what can be a daunting task into a rather delightful one. More...

Man who is taking care of his hair Men's Hair Care
There's no reason any longer for men to feel uncomfortable buying hair care products. Men should choose their hair care products and styling tools the same way women would. You determine what products and tools you need based on your hairstyle and the condition of your hair. More...

Man with a comb Men's Hair Care for Dummies
Here's a review of the basics for establishing a regular hair routine: Avoid over-shampooing your hair; aim for about two to three times per week, and always follow up with conditioner. Additionally, steer clear of 2-in-1 products—they're not worth your time or money. More...

A pensive woman with long hair Modern Hair Myths
We hear them all the time: those 'words of sage advice' warning us that doing this or that is going to mean we'll lose our hair. Let’s take a look at the most common modern hair myths and discover the truth behind them. More...

Woman with healthy hair wearing a turtleneck Natural Hair Care
While there are a large number of treatments available for purchase at drugstores and salons, many hair masks and moisture treatments can be made inexpensively at home. These mixtures offer a more natural way to care for your hair. More...

Expectant woman and partner Pregnancy and Hair
Many women experience increased hair and nail growth, as well as thicker and shinier hair during pregnancy. However, some women experience the other side of that coin: dryness, breakage, and hair loss are common complaints among expectant women. More...

Woman with hair issues Quick Fixes for Common Hair Problems
We've all got things we'd like to change about our hair. That's why the hair and beauty industry makes hundreds of billions of dollars a year creating and marketing products to help us achieve the hair we want. Here are some quick fixes for some of the most common hair issues. More...

Woman with shiny hair wearing a shiny top Shiny Hair
Everyone wants shiny hair; it's so attractive. Not everyone knows just how to get it. Who would have known that vitamin E gives your hair that extra boost in appearance to shine brightly to the human eye? Here are some tips for achieving lovely, shiny hair. More...

Girl with smelly hair Smelly Hair
Try as we might, no one is immune to smelly hair. I'm not just talking about dirty hair from lack of washing it or using poor shampoos and conditioner. I'm referring to how hair can acquire an awful lingering scent just from spending five quick minutes ordering a coffee. More...

Split-Ender Split-Ender
The Split-Ender is a hair-cutting tool designed for at-home and salon use, specifically engineered to remove split ends without sacrificing hair length. It's a popular choice among those seeking to eliminate split ends, offering several advantages compared to traditional cutting techniques. More ...

Woman wearing a winter hat Static Hair
Do you look like you've just seen a horrible ghost every time you take off that cute winter hat you just bought? Well, join the club; during the winter months, this is just part of life. Here are some tips to keep static hair under control. More...

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