Hair Tips for Traveling (2)

You can purchase a French twist kit from most drugstores and major retailers for under $10. They are classy, keep hair out of the face, and are quite durable styles. They will be sure to meet all of your travel needs. Don't want to do it yourself? You can always visit your hairdresser and ask for one of these classic styles.
Shorter-haired gals can also explore the low twist and low bun options. The best part about these styles (besides that they work for short hair) is that you can wash, style while wet, and go! In fact, it’s best to do most braids and twisted styles while the hair is wet. There are many buns, twists, and TopsyTail type hairstyle kits out there. These are very affordable and make great investments if you travel often!
The best part about a top-knot is that that there is no right or wrong way to create and wear this adorable style. It can have a slightly disheveled look, and that's okay! Pull your hair up into a high ponytail and secure with a hair tie. Next, part the ponytail in half and use the two strands to tie a knot. Depending on how long your hair is, you can do more than one knot. Secure loose pieces with bobby pins and hairspray into place. Strategically adding a flower or some cute hair barrettes above or under the knot will give that extra pizzazz you are looking for.
Bang and Rotate
Bangs, because of their short length and light weight, tend to curl up and act crazy on long trips, so most women who rock bangs look for ways to keep them tame during extended journeys. Twisting the bangs and leaving the rest down provides a very feminine look.
Whether you use a headband braid or twist and braid your own hair, braiding or twisting the bangs gives double duty by providing not only an elegant style but also keeping the bangs in place. If you have bangs and are looking for a way to keep all of your hair out of your face, braid the bangs off to the side and put the rest up into a bun. There you have it, all up, out of your face and looking marvelous at the same time!
Half Up and Half Down Do
This style is simple, sophisticated, and sturdy. You can jazz up this hairstyle by adding volume to the crown (the half-up area) and by curling the loose locks (the half-down area). To add volume in the crown, take the ponytailed section (the half-up part) and pull the hair tie down 1 to 2 inches (loosen it) and then push the entire section of hair up (this pushes and lifts the entire crown area up off the scalp). Secure it into place with bobby pins under the hair tie and hairspray it into position.

Hats, Scarves and Bling
Fedoras, flat caps, berets, cowboy hats, and wide-brim hats are all great travel options. There are literally hundreds of different types of hats you can use while traveling that can either make a statement or help you blend in with fellow travelers and wearing either will help conceal unsightly travel hair.
Hats not your thing? Consider some bling! Using accessories such as a bejeweled hair clip can not only keep hair in place but distract from any shortcomings your hair might have while traveling.
Want to channel Old Hollywood? Draw your hair up in a glamorous scarf to disguise the messy hairstyle that inevitably happens when traveling for long hours, tie it under the chin or under the hair by the nape of the neck. Hair wraps are a major trend right now and you can find them just about anywhere, but if you can't, you can make one out of a scarf or bandanna. Put your hair into whatever updo style you desire and tie the scarf or bandanna around your head like a headband. For an added touch of style and sophistication, make it a designer scarf. People will be turning their heads for all the right reasons.
In addition to these fantastic hair tips for traveling, try rocking a pair of designer sunglasses so that others will think you're an ultra-chic fashionista and not just a worn-out tourist.
Hairfinder also recommends that while you are traveling the world to countries whose native language is not one you speak well, keep the salon visits to a minimum or at the very least only get services done that are difficult to mess up. Avoid services like haircuts and coloring that can be difficult to communicate. Miscommunication already happens often enough when interacting with a hairdresser in your hometown. Just imagine what can happen when you get your hair cut or colored by a hairstylist who doesn’t speak the same language. Whether you are on vacation or traveling for business, you want to keep your travel experience as stress-free as possible, so stick with a stylist you can communicate your ideas, desires, and most importantly, what you don't want done to your hair, in your own language.
Take Hairfinder's wonderful travel tips for keeping your hair looking fabulous while on the go and make your next trip as easy and glamorous as possible. Happy traveling!
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