How to Own Your Gray Like a Male Star (2)

It's almost cool for guys to just go with the times and age the way they want, and they are still seen as sexy. And it is not easy to maintain a great gray appearance as you first have to pick the correct style for your face so that it does not age you. You also have to decide how much gray is too much. Will facial hair make you look too old or be just the right touch?
This routine clearly did not prevent rocker Jon Bon Jovi from going gray in the past few years, after going from super long to shaggy to short to now, gray. He is definitely keeping up with the times, but he knows that if he keeps up his energy and positive attitude, his hair can be any color.

The perfect example of finding balance naturally is former President Barack Obama who came into the White House with black hair and left as salt-and-pepper as you can be but it works so well for him. He has aged well because he seems happy, he has a loving family, and he has now found a balance that appears to work for him and that is what we all need as we get older and start to see the peek-a-boo gray hairs. If he were to dye his hair back to black, it would just seem unnatural because this is the man he has become and we watched him grow as a person and I think that is why I love him as a silver fox so much.

Don't be afraid to take a risk because what do you have to lose? Don't like it? You can go and color it. They do have Just For Men, but I can almost guarantee that you will feel a special sense of importance when you see your new look developing and how you are maturing in a positive way. Don't be afraid of going gray because life is too short for that! Embrace it, embrace that you have hair and go out and live life! And if you get nervous, just ask "WWGD?" aka What Would George Do? (Clooney, that is) Good luck!