Wide Tooth Comb

Combing hair with a wide tooth comb
Photo: Depositphotos
Q: Is using a wide tooth comb really better for your hair?
A: The wonder of the wide tooth comb lies in when it is used. Hair is extremely fragile and delicate when it is wet.
If you use a fine-tooth comb or brush when your hair is wet, then you’re probably going to end up breaking strands, often without realizing it, and get your hair into knots. This is where the wide tooth comb comes into play. The wide tooth comb is much less damaging and harsh on your wet locks.
I always suggest combing through your hair in the shower or bath with the wide tooth comb just after you’ve applied conditioner. This keeps the comb from catching in the hair strands, and forming the knots that will inevitably end up in breakage and damage. The wider the teeth of the comb, the less damaging it is to your hair.
This said, remember that all hair is vulnerable and fragile when wet, so comb it with care, applying gentle brushes. Never attack the knots with your brush or comb. Try to gently unknot the hair by using conditioner and your wide-tooth comb. If this doesn’t work (sometimes the case in severely over processed hair), air dry the hair and then attempt to gently comb the knots out.
In conclusion, yes, a wide tooth comb is better for the hair. But always take care when the hair is wet, and never ever apply any sort of pressure or force on the hair while it is still wet, as you will undeniably end up with broken, frazzled hair.
See also:
How to choose a good hairbrush
Hair combing and brushing basics
Should you not brush hair when wet?