Avoid Pixie Cuts

A: Have you ever had your hair very short before? This is always the first question I ask my clients before making such a drastic change in length. If you’ve had your hair really short before, you would probably know most of the physical and psychological differences and adaptations that you’ll have to make.
Back when I was still a hairdressing apprentice, I saw this happen a few times in the salon. And I took a vow never to cut a client’s hair off (from really long to short), in one go if the client hadn’t had her hair cut in a short style before. It would probably be best if you made the change in steps; long bob, short bob, long bangs pixie, and then a short pixie cut.
The pixie cut works best on women with a heart or oval shaped face, but it can look good on almost any facial shape if you style it right. It also works really well on tall, distinguishing women who style their whole appearance according to a certain look. The pixie also works perfectly with small, petite women, tending to give them a very feminine and almost otherworldly beauty, hence the “pixie” term.
But it can work just as well with a medium build and height person, all depending on the way that you style and color it. Your hairdresser can help you to determine the perfect style, color and look for you, depending on your facial features, facial shape, your complexion and skin undertone, and of course your personality.
The pixie cut is a very expressive and cutting-edge style, so you’ll want to ask your hairdresser to take you through the styling process step by step, so that you can copy her technique when styling your hair at home. The pixie cut is designed and cut to be styled, so you’ll need to put a bit of work into it in the mornings. The styling process can be time consuming or not at all, depending on how much time you have, your skills and what look you’re going for.
The messy pixie is really popular and takes about five minutes to style. You get more complicated styles, like the ones you’ll see in the hairdressing magazines and on glossy Schwarzkopf and L’Oréal adverts, but anyone can get a hang of it if they have enough enthusiasm and put enough time and effort into it.
Women who are insecure, intensely shy or very used to long hair should probably not do this. The pixie cut is an artful and expressive hairstyle and attracts attention like a magnet.
See also:
Photos of pixies
Choosing the right pixie cut
11 reasons to get a short haircut