Turban How To

How to wrap a turban
Q: How do you wrap a towel in turban-fashion?
A: The idea of wrapping a towel in turban-fashion refers to the headwear worn by people of many nationalities, which is based on wrapping a long piece of fabric around the head as a head (and hair) covering. Turbans are referred to by many names, but can be found in Arab, Indian, and many Northern and Western African countries (to name a few).
For our purposes, we intend to use a turban to indicate a covering for the hair and head that is made by wrapping and securing a long piece of fabric in place.
Wrapping a towel in a turban-style is generally done to allow the towel to absorb excess moisture from the hair while allowing the individual to do other tasks. This can help the individual maximize their time.
To create a turban wrap using a towel, you need a towel that is large enough to cover the head and has ends that hang below the shoulders when draped over the top of the head. While many people love a thick, plush towel, thinner towels tend to work better when used as a turban. In fact, you could simply use a long piece of absorbent cloth instead of a towel if you choose.
Hair wrapped in a turban towel - Turban towel wrap
Photo: B-D-S Piotr Marcinski/Shutterstock
The width of the towel should be sufficient to extend from the front hairline to the nape of the neck. If the towel is wider than this, fold one side over until the width meets these requirements.
The specific wrap depends on the length of the hair. For short hair, simply place the doubled-over edge of the towel at the nape of the neck, allowing the rest of the towel to cover the forward section of the head. Cross the ends and direct them back to the nape area and tuck them under the folded edge of the towel. If needed, use clips or bobby pins to hold the ends in place.
For long hair, lean the head forward so that the hair hangs in front of your body. Again, place the folded edge of the towel (if any) at the nape of the neck and allow the remaining edge to fall forward to the front. Gather the ends of the towel and press the length of the hair between them. Gently twist the ends of the towel together with the hair until the towel is slightly taut, then bring the twist up and back over the head to the nape of the neck. Tuck the ends of the hair under the folded edge of the towel and secure as needed.

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