Hairstyles for a Short Neck

A: As with any physical trait that must be considered in choosing a hairstyle, the key to dealing with a shorter neck is balance.
Styles that stop at the mid-point of the neck or which curve around the neck and mask it tend to minimize the appearance of what is already in short supply.
You can opt for up-styles if you prefer longer hair lengths, since these help to keep the neck visible and create a vertical focus which makes the neck look longer.
If shorter hair is your wont, then consider a tapered cut with fullness in the top section and elongated perimeter length that can be textured to make the nape area wispy and also generate that vertical focus.
See also:
How to match your hairstyle and body type
How can I make my hair look longer than it really is?
Photos of up-styles
Will layers make my hair look longer or shorter?