See Through Hairs

But actually pulling one of these hairs out and many more over time I have noticed that these small hairs (none more than two-three inches at the most) are completely see through and crystal clear, very stiff, not curly or wavy at all and lifeless and if you hold one up it actually stands up on its own.
It almost reminds me exactly of fishing line. I don't know what is causing it or how to figure out what is wrong. There are many of them on my head, and I can't figure out if they are hairs that are growing in this way or hair that was already on my head and are changing to this color/texture. I am so confused but would love an answer if anyone has ever seen this before.
And contrary to what many people believe, what we call "gray" hair is actually colorless and translucent. Since your hair is naturally blonde in color, it is entirely reasonable to expect that the hair is more transparent than other hair types might be.
Given that you have identified that these hairs are all at a given length or shorter, it seems to indicate that they are new growth and unless you find other hairs that are of a length with your other hair but of the same color, it may be a matter of the new hair growing in with the new texture and color (or lack of it).
Please remember, that I am not a medical professional, nor is any other hair stylist qualified to give you medical advices. Having a known illness that affects glandular organs is sufficient cause to question additional oddities in the way your hair grows. If you are concerned about this unusual hair reaction, PLEASE contact your doctor as soon as you can and have him or her give you his/her assessment of the situation.
The doctor will have an advantage over me in that he or she will be able to physically examine the hair and will likely have a record of other hair changes you've undergone as a result of this condition.
See also:
The different shades of gray hair
How our hair changes when we age
How to see the difference between new growth and broken hair