Indian Hemp to Repair Split Ends

Q: How can I repair my damaged hair? Does Indian Hemp help to repair split ends or would you advice other products? Maybe homemade remedies?
A: Hemp has been used for thousands of years for many different things: the fibers were used to make paper, rope and cloth; the seeds and leaves have been touted as a dietary supplement, and the oils have been hailed for their quick and deep absorption properties and the emollient benefits they offer.
Any seeds used commercially have to be sterilized (usually using heat application or irradiation) rendering them inert and infertile. In fact, hemp products meant for human consumption have absolutely no THC in them (THC being the chemical compound that causes the high of marijuana).
Depending on the specific preparation containing the Indian Hemp, it may, indeed, help to repair split ends. Remember that in the case of hair, terms like ‘repair’ refer to a physical “mending” of the hair much like gluing a piece of pottery or furniture is ‘repairing’ it. Hair care products cannot “heal” hair damage. They only improve the appearance of the symptoms.
As for repairing your damaged hair, you have to find the products that will help you manage the symptoms of damage that are most problematic for you. If the hair is dry, you need to use shampoos and conditioners that will help to restore moisture. If the hair is brittle and weak, you need protein to help strengthen the hair. And if the hair is dull, with split ends and other visible signs of frizz, a product rich in fatty acids will help to soothe and smooth the hair. Usually, women with damaged hair need all of these things, and most want to find them in a single product to use.
I’m all for the one product aspect of hair care, but sometimes it’s just not practical. In most cases, products that claim to provide a wide range of benefits don’t do them quite as well as more focused products. As a result, I often think it’s better to look for the different benefits you need from different products you might normally use: such as, getting your moisture from shampoo and conditioner, your protein from weekly treatments, and the fatty acids and reparative benefits from leave-in products or enhanced styling balms.
See also:
What do split ends look like?
Do split ends stop your hair from growing?
How to repair split ends