Hair Straightening and Pregnancy

A: It’s a pretty well established fact that a woman’s body undergoes some pretty dramatic changes during pregnancy and as a result of the hormone levels involved, otherwise routine things may not respond as expected. Chiefs among these are hair coloring and perming processes.
The other more serious concern is that the hormonal changes in pregnant women can alter the way a woman’s body reacts to the chemicals used in these services. During pregnancy a woman can become more sensitive to chemicals and could have serious reactions if due caution is not employed. Even such matters as sensitivity to smell can become problematic if a woman finds, unexpectedly, that the odor of the chemical formula being used causes her extreme nausea.
I’m sure if you look, you will find a hairdresser who is willing to take your money and do whatever service you request. I would rather hope that you will consider that your daughter’s hairdresser is thinking primarily of your daughter’s welfare and that a few weeks more isn’t too much of a wait for the sake of safety.
See also:
Hair and pregnancy
Can I dye or bleach my hair during pregnancy?
Will thermal restructuring work when you are pregnant?
Is it safe to use flat irons for your hair during pregnancy?