Chemical Free Relaxer

Would they work well on very wavy and frizzy hair and are they really chemical free, all-natural and harmless to the hair and scalp?
A: I have not personally used either of these products to be able to evaluate their efficacy or validate their claims as to what consists in their make-up. However, what I’ve been able to discover from research is that the products are what is known as “clay conditioner” treatments.
As for being truly “chemical free” that distinction depends on what is considered a “chemical”. The Baka Beauty product, at least, contains alcohol. I wasn’t able to get a comprehensive ingredient list on the Cleopatra product.
However, most of the product reviews I’ve seen from customers has been positive for both products. Just don’t expect to get the same kinds of results that you find from traditional relaxers.
See also:
Hair straightening
Non lye-based hair relaxers