How to Locate a Baseline

Q: Hi. Can you tell me how to locate a client's base-line correctly?
A: The term baseline, as it applies to haircutting, refers to a horizontal line against which all other angles and elevations are gauged.
Sometimes, however, we may find it easier to distinguish a different baseline so that we can create varied styles. For instance, when creating a style that uses a strong bangs line and layers in the upper portions of the style, using the bangs as a baseline is ideal. It allows the lower portions to be the way you wish and gives you a close guide for creating the layers in the upper part of the style.
If you wish to locate a baseline in a client whose style you wish to trim or recreate, simply look for the strongest horizontal cut line in the style. If there is no significantly strong line, then presume that the horizon line was the baseline used.
See also:
Haircutting angles and elevation
What are mobile, stationary, and shifted methods in haircutting?
Is there a certain angle I need to focus on when cutting hair?