1950s Style Perm

A: Your best option in this situation is to use a perm wrap that mimics your roller set. In other words, use larger tools in the top sections and smaller tools at the bottom. The perm alone won't create the look you're aiming for, but will provide a structural foundation that will help your hot roller style last longer.
Carefully mist the hair segment by segment, allow the spray to dry fully and brush or comb through the hair to prevent any stiffness or gumminess. The hairspray not only helps the style hold longer, but seals the cuticle layer of the hair and prevents moisture from getting into the hair shaft as easily. Thus, the hairstyle is more humidity-resistant.
You can also use a silicone-based styling product prior to drying the hair (and well before roller-setting) to much the same result. Silicone-based products seal the cuticle layer preventing moisture penetration and keeping the hair looking smooth and shiny.
My advice is to try the extra hair-product steps before going with a perm. You may find that the results of using a little extra hair product are just what you wanted, and it would allow you to avoid an unnecessary chemical service.
See also:
1950s hairstyles
Perm rods and sizes
What can I do to prevent the humidity of sweat from affecting my hair?