Non-smelling Perm

A: The thing that makes perms smell bad is the ammonia content, so generally speaking, if you find a perm that’s lower in ammonia you’ll find one that doesn’t smell as badly. Try looking for an acid perm or acid-balanced perm if you can’t find one specifically listed as being ammonia-free.
My advice is to visit your local beauty supply store and tell them you’re looking for an acid-balanced perm or one that is ammonia-free. There are many, many brands of permanent wave formulas and most brands carry acid-balanced and ammonia-free varieties.
See also:
Can you tell me how I can get a perm without the awful smell?
The difference between an acid perm and an alkaline perm
Hair deodorizer to take the bad smell of a perm away
Is an acid perm or an alkaline perm more likely to smell burnt after processing?