Stripes or Leopard Pattern Hair

A: I am unaware of any animal print hair extension products, although it is probable that they will have such things available in the future if it seems demand would make doing this profitable. At present, your best bet would be to purchase some human hair extensions and have them specially dyed to the print you desire.
Apply thin stripes over the surface of the hair along the top layer or simply apply the color/lightener in small dots on the outer surface of the hair. Creating a leopard pattern is trickier, as it needs to start with a tawny-brown base color and apply dark brown/black hair color in small circles and allow the color to process.
This method only works on hair that is one-length and is styled to lie straight and smooth. If your hair is layered or curly, you may want to discuss other options with your stylist. There are many techniques used in hair coloring to give the hair a special "flash" and special style.
See also:
Hair extensions
How to color hair
Hair coloring techniques for special effects