Donating Hair

Young woman who is cutting her own hair
Photo: Depositphotos
Q: I have long hair that I am cutting to donate.
When I put it in a ponytail to cut off what are the differences in the haircut if I pull my hair all back and cut off the ponytail at the nape of my neck, or if I pull my hair on top of my head and cut off the ponytail, or if I separate my hair into three ponytails (one on each side and cut off at chin length) and one at the nape of the neck? I would like a bob cut with the hair being longer on the sides.

A: Given that your ultimate goal is to have a bob cut (an A-line bob from your description) your best bet will be to use a simple pull back to the nape of the neck method for cutting off the hair to donate.
Part the hair as you want it to be after you get your bob cut, and comb or brush the hair to smooth it down all around the head. Then gently brush the hair to sweep it along the scalp and curve it down and around to meet at the nape of the neck where you will be gathering it to secure it for cutting.
Doing this will ensure that the hair at the front of the head is longer than the length at the back of the head, and it will allow you to make sure you have sufficient remaining hair to create the desired style.
However, I presume you will be going to an approved salon associated with the charity, to whom you plan to make the donation, for the cut. The stylists there can make sure that you will have sufficient length to make the needed donation amount and still be able to get the style you want. Some women don't realize just how much hair is needed for proper donations. For some organizations, the hair being donated must be a minimum of 9 inches in length.
If you are working with an organization that allows for you to do the cutting for the donation on your own, please pay close attention to the methods desired by the organization for cutting a donation of hair, and be sure to enlist help whenever possible. It would be sad to make a dramatic cut for such a noble cause only to find that you were unable to make the donation because of a small error on your part.
For those of you who are interested in learning more about donating hair and the uses to which it can be put, do a search for "Locks of Love" on the world wide web. Locks of Love is a leading organization that uses donated hair to create wigs and hair-pieces for children with cancer.
See also:
How to cut hair
How to store a cut ponytail
What hair will look like after shaving it for charity
If I shave my head and start with a new set of hair, can I donate then?