Changing Hair Texture

A: The texture of a person's hair can change naturally as the body matures depending on his or her genetic make up. In some rare cases it can be changed as a result of damage to the scalp and follicles, but such damage usually results in a defined "period" of change and may only be temporary.
If it turns out that the change is not something anyone else in your family has experienced, or if you have any other symptoms, such as scalp irritation, and you are concerned then by all means, speak to a dermatologist about it and have him allay your concerns.
Otherwise, I would simply chalk it up to a fact of genetics and try to work with the wave where possible. Of course, if you prefer a different look, you can always look into getting your own relaxer treatments to get rid of the wave.
See also:
Change in hair texture caused by genetics, environment or products
Damaged hair