Beach Perm

Beach perm how to graphic
Q: I was wondering if you had a picture available of a beach perm. My hair is medium length, very straight and thick. I wear it flipped out. I was considering a beach perm, if that is what they are called. They use the rollers of a spiral perm but use big sections of hair and wrap, however.
I have a wedding coming up in a couple of weeks and was excited to get it but the person that wants to give me this perm told my sister in law she hopes I like it when its done.
Sometimes I wish I didn't have to curl my hair everyday that I could wash it, dry it and go. I just wanted someone's opinion on this perm and see a picture of it. Please let me know your thoughts on the beach perm or any other suggestions you may have.

A: I can offer you a graphic to explain how the beach perm technique works. You see, the basic theory is that you create a permed style that is very natural-looking with soft, easily styled waves using spiral wrapping techniques with various sized rods.
The standard method is to use rods in three different sizes and to wrap larger segments of hair on the rods in order to create varied and natural-looking wave patterns in the hair. The effect is a soft, natural wave and curl that can be styled by diffused blowdrying and scrunching, or simply adding product and allowing the hair to airdry naturally.
Hair with a beach perm
Photo: Tanya Lovus/Shutterstock
The technique is particularly effective when used on layered hair styles, and medium to thick hair density. Density refers to the number of hairs per square inch of the scalp.
Since this is a “non-traditional” perm method, the exact application and wrapping process can vary greatly. Some people insist that it has to be “more curly, less wavy” while other will insist that the style has simply “various sized curls, but definitely curls”. To be on the safe side, talk with your stylist and ask her to describe what the technique means to her and what kinds of results she expects to create for your hair.
See also:
Perm rods
How to wrap a spiral perm
The brick-lay perm wrap