Widow's Peak

A: A widow’s peak is the configuration of a person’s hairline where the central point of the hairline dips into a sort of point on the forehead.
Even some women have widow’s peaks. In fact, the term ‘widow’s peak’ originated with women and was the beak or tip of a woman’s mourning hood which was commonly worn in the 16th century.
The term for such a hair configuration on a man is “widower’s peak” originally, but the simplification of the language usage has led to one term for both genders. It was a superstitious belief that a woman whose hairline dipped thusly in the forehead would outlive her husband (and vice-versa).

Above are photos of celebrities with a widow's peak: Eva Longoria, Penelope Cruz, Gavin Rossdale and Jude Law.
See also:
Do girls with widow's peaks look good with side bangs?
What style do you recommend for thinning hair with a widow's peak?
Is there any way to remove a widow's peak without laser treatment or electrolysis?