The Best Hair Straightening System

The Ogilvie is only $10.99 at our local Walgreens and the EasyStraight is $29.99. Should I assume that that expensive one would be best resulting? We are young teenage girls, so we really want the healthiest way to straighten our hair. Please write back soon.
In researching the two products you've named, I've discovered that they both use the same basic formulations (or at least the same base ingredients and principles) and that the major difference between the products is found in the extras included in the process and kits, and the fact that the EasyStraight system is a much newer product compared to Ogilvie's Home Straightening kit. The Ogilvie Company has been around for more than 60 years and has been providing salon and home permanent wave products for much of that time.
As for the discrepancy in cost, this can be accounted for by the newness of the EasyStraight product, and the number of products and accessories included in the kit compared to the Ogilvie product.

The Ogilvie kit contains a straightener lotion, neutralizer, leave-in conditioner, gloves (latex), and a comb. On the other hand, the EasyStraight kit comes with a conditioning oil, straightening cream, straightening sealant, leave-in conditioner, cape, gloves, comb, clips and spatula.
Both products have been reviewed favorably and are highly recommended by the majority of the people who have used them. The important thing to keep in mind is that the results achieved from virtually any at-home use product depend on how closely you follow the directions.
Be sure to read the instructions from each package carefully and only use the products when you are certain that you don't have any conditions that would preclude your using them. Follow the instructions exactly, and you should be perfectly happy with the results and have no problems with damage.
I would love to hear from you again after you have tried each product, and to hear about your results and experiences.
See also:
Hair straightening
Home straightening kits and resistant hair
Can you use a home straightening kit to straighten permed hair?
Can an Ogilvie hair straightening home kit be used on color treated hair?