Baby's Hair Growth

A: Depending on the age of the baby in question, there may be nothing to be concerned over.
This means that the hair stops growing as the hormone levels drop, and then the hair follicles enter into the telogen phase and they actively shed the hairs that stopped growing.
Typically within 8-12 months after birth, their little bodies have begun to settle into their own hormonal rhythm and the growth phase begins. Just remember that each follicle can have its own timer governing the growth, rest, and shedding phases of the hair cycle, so some of the areas of the head may seem to grow faster than others.
And don't be alarmed when the texture, wave pattern and even color of the hair starts to shift as the child grows (sometimes rapidly in some cases). Growth hormones and development can mean that the hair will transition through many stages before it reaches the one that will be dominant in the matured individual.
Now, if your child has bald patches or areas where the hair doesn't seem to grow even as he or she approaches the one-year mark, you should check with your pediatrician. Especially if there are other signs that might indicate irritation. In fact, there's no reason that you should hesitate to address the issue with your pediatrician anyway. An informed parent is a good parent.
See also:
The 3 hair growth phases
How to take care of your baby's hair
How to wash a baby's hair
How parents determine a baby's hair color