At Home Perm with Sponge Rollers

A: You'll need to make sure the rollers won't break down in the thiol solution (the waving lotion) before you wrap the hair on them for the perm.
After an hour, remove the sponge, rinse it thoroughly and saturate it with the neutralizer and place it in another plastic bag for 30 minutes, again keeping an eye out for signs of disintegration.
At this point the sponge should be removed from the bag, rinsed thoroughly and tested for its structural integrity. Pull and squeeze the sponge and rub it firmly between the fingers. If the sponge shreds easily or collapses after exposure to the chemicals, you will know that it is unsuited to use as a perming tool.
Using non-traditional perm tools is an excellent way to get the kinds of results you want from your perm, but you must make sure that the items you want to use will be suited for the purpose. You can always test an item before using it, and make sure you test it "off the head" and not where it can come in contact with your hair as well.
In some cases there could be a chemical interaction that can damage the hair if the hair is exposed to it. If your available foam rollers prove unfit for use in perming, you might consider using magnetic rollers (the plastic cylindrical rollers traditionally used for roller sets) if you want larger and softer perm results. You will want to be sure, however, that you also use plastic coated roller clips if you go this route. Good Luck.
See also:
Perm rods
What is the largest roller used for perms?
The scientific processes during perming and relaxing