After-Straightening Styling
![Brunette with long straightened hair](brunette-straightened-hair-th.jpg)
When my hair has been chemically treated, will I have to blowdry and use irons every time I shampoo? I loved the smooth & shiny look the stylist achieved using the straighteners and would like to just be able to 'wash and go', is this possible please? Many thanks in anticipation!
With straightening processes like Thio-Straighteners and Thio-Relaxers, the results are usually a strong reduction in the level of curl in the hair, but the hair will still have some wave.
Most people who have had Thio-based straightening find that they need to use blow-dry straightening and flat ironing to get the smooth finish they are craving. The benefit to these processes is that they are generally faster processes, and are comparable in cost to regular permanent wave services.
However, the newer, more-intense straightening processes (such as Thermal Restructuring) offer much straighter and smoother results, but generally take several hours to do and cost from $300 to 700 dollars and more depending on specifically which process you choose and where you choose to have it done.
See also:
Hair straightening
Permanent hair straightening