Razor Cut Hair

A: Being honest, my initial reaction is "you don't", because using a razor for haircutting is an Advanced Technique that isn't even taught to cosmetology students until they've been practicing with shears for a while. However, if you are intent on doing this yourself, I have a few tips:
Always make sure the hair is wet when razor cutting. Otherwise, you can get split ends, and the hairs can fly all over. It is also easier to control when wet.
When using a razor to cut the hair, you have to cut the hair above the fingers, since the hair needs to have some tension in order to cut it with the single bladed razor.
As to the method of cutting the hair into a bob, you can refer to the directions we have here on Hairfinder for creating the bob haircut. The only difference is that you'll be making the cuts using a razor instead of scissors.
See also:
How to use a razor
Is there a difference between getting a razor cut and a scissors cut?
How to cut a bob with a fringe and razor texturing